
294.3855246 - Số nội bộ: 232
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Tác giả: Lâm Thị Hà Mi; TS. Nguyễn Văn Lợi (người hướng dẫn).

Trường Đại học Trà Vinh. Năm: 2020.

Mô tả: 56Tr, kích thước: 30cm. Số định danh: 428.07/ M300. Vị trí: Phòng Tự Nghiên cứu.

Tóm tắt:

If a student likes a type of written corrective feedback and believes it can be useful, this student may pay more attention to this type of written corrective feedback and use it for learning. In contrast, if a student does not set any expectations for a type of written corrective feedback, this student may not get any of the effects that it might have (Yang, 2016). Therefore, this study aims to find out university students’ preferred types of written corrective feedback and the attitudes for their preferences. The study employed a survey design which involved 135 students (43 males and 92 females) using convenience sampling technique. The instrument used in collecting data was a questionnaire in the form of Feedback Scale. It was comprised of twelve questions, eight of which consisted of a five-point Likert scale and four for participants to detail their ideas. The results of this study pointed out that university students preferred the techniques of “strike out the mistakes and correct my errors for me”, “underline my mistakes, give comments on my mistakes, and correct the mistakes for me”, and “underline my mistakes, give comments on my mistakes” which belong to the types of recast, explicit correction, and metalinguistic feedback. The reasons for the students’ preferences are that they can identify mistakes, correct the mistakes easily, find the encouragement to learn and self-repair from the mistakes; and more importantly remembering the mistakes for a long time. Moreover, these types of feedback are detailed, easy to understand, and easy to use.


Trung tâm Học liệu - Phát triển Dạy và Học

Số 126 - Nguyễn Thiện Thành, Khóm 4, phường 5, Thành phố Trà Vinh - Tỉnh Trà Vinh.

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