Tác giả: Huỳnh Ngọc Linh; PGS. TS. Nguyễn Thanh Tùng (người hướng dẫn).

Trường Đại học Trà Vinh. Năm: 2019.

Mô tả: 58Tr, kích thước: 30cm. Số định danh: 428.3 / L312. Vị trí: Phòng Tự Nghiên cứu.

Mục tiêu nghiên cứu:

Thus, the study aims to investigate the effects of PBL on students’ speaking skills. This aim entails the following two objectives. Firstly, the study explores whether the use of PBL in teaching English can help students develop their speaking skills. Secondly, it investigates if they are motivated to learn speaking and have positive attitudes toward PBL in their English-speaking lesson.