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Tác giả: Joseph S. Nelson, Terry C. Grande, Mark V. H. Wilson.

Nhà xuất bản: John Wiley & Sons. Năm XB: 2016. Mô tả: 707Tr, kích thước: 22cm. Số định danh: 597.012/ N424. Vị trí: Phòng Học liệu Ngoại văn.

Nội dung:

Fishes of the World, Fifth Edition is the only modern, phylogenetically based classification of the world’s fishes. The updated text offers new phylogenetic diagrams that clarify the relationships among fish groups, as well as cutting-edge global knowledge that brings this classic reference up to date. With this resource, you can classify orders, families, and genera of fishes, understand the connections among fish groups, organize fishes in their evolutionary context, and imagine new areas of research. ...