Tác giả: Thuy Nguyen; Dr. Michael Salzman, Dr. Seongah Im (Advisor).

University of Hawaii. Năm: 2011

Mô tả: 53Tr, kích thước: 21x29 cm

Số định danh: . Vị trí: Phòng đọc.

Tóm tắt:

Transitioning from high school to university can be difficult for Khmer students in Vietnam. This study investigated how Khmer freshmen‟s economic status, pre-college experiences, academic background, exposure to new teaching methods, university curricula and new relationships affect freshmen Khmer students‟ academic success and college adjustment. A total of 198 Khmer first year students and 20 lecturers teaching these students at Travinh University in Vietnam participated in this study. The results reveal that (1) Academic background, including high school GPA and reading, writing and computer skills, was a strongly positive predictor while students perception of the university curriculum as difficult was a negative predictor of the College Outcomes. (2) Reading, writing and computer skills and developing new relationships at university were positive predictors of the College Adjustment. (3) The perception that lecturers treated all students fairly had a positive correlation with both their College Outc omes and College Adjustment. (4) An effective advisor is necessary for Khmer first year students.

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