Tác giả: Thạch Kọng Saoane. A/Prof. Reeva lederman.

University of Melbourne. Năm: 2017.

Mô tả: 106Tr. Kích thước: 30cm. Số định danh:


Mental illnesses are a major cause of disease burden in all countries around the world. Among the available treatments, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) based mental health apps have been introduced as promising in helping people deal with common mental illnesses by themselves. However, the theoretical underpinnings for technological approaches used to design these interventions have not been clarified. Based on the literature and its relevance to CBT, theories of Persuasive Technology could be potentially used as a suitable approach to design. However, an embrace of persuasive technology has not been widely studied, particularly from the user’s perspectives. Therefore, this study has evaluated and explored the user’s perception of the persuasiveness of mental health apps by conducting a qualitative analysis of user reviews on mental health apps. The results indicated that users wanted apps to be high quality, customizable and having simple sensory support elements and content updated weekly. Most importantly, where the principles of the persuasive systems design (PSD) model proposed by Oinas-Kukkonen and Harjumaa (2009) were integrated into the design, users expressed satisfaction with the design. For this reason, an implementation of Oinas-Kukkonen and Harjumaa (2009)’s PSD model in combination with some additional techniques are recommended as an approach to the design mental health apps.