Tác giả: Thạch Tha Ri, ThS. Trịnh Bội Ngọc (người hướng dẫn).

Trường Đại học Trà Vinh. Năm: 2015.

Mô tả: 79Tr, kích thước: 30cm. Số định danh:

Tóm tắt:

English collocations have captured the attention of many researchers who master them in English. However, the term “collocation” seems unfamiliar to almost non-English majors at Tra Vinh University. With the objective of bringing a new approach of studying English language more effectively, the researcher carries out a study entitled “Identifying English Collocations Mistakes Made by non-English Majors at Tra Vinh University” to figure out some mistakes of collocations that non-English majors usually make. To collect the data, the researcher designs a test including four tasks to check how the students know and use English collocations. After collecting the tests which are completed by 37 non-English majors, the researcher finds out that a majority of students' collocational knowledge is limited. Furthermore, poor collocation understanding limits their translation and writing skills. Therefore, non-English learners should enhance the knowledge of English collocations by learning words with their collocations, paying more attention to native-speakers’ speaking style and practice using collocations by doing some exercises in academic collocation books. To assist students in obtaining the use of English collocations correctly and naturally is one of the duties of teachers of English. Thus, they should help their students to raise the awareness of word combinations as well as introduce to the students some collocations during their study process by various ways such as games, activities in classrooms.