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Tác giả: Gavin Powell, Carol McCullough-Dieter.

Nhà xuất bản: Elsevier Digital Press. Năm XB: 2005.

Mô tả: 627Tr, kích thước:

Mục lục:

1/ Introduction to Oracle SQL. 2/ New Features of Oracle SQL. 3/ Oracle Database Architecture. 4/ The SELECT Statement. 5/ Filtering Rows. 6/ Sorting Rows. 7/ Operators, Conditions, and Pseudocolumns. 8/ Using SQL*Plus. 9/ Single-Row Functions. 10/ Joining Tables. 11/ Grouping and Summarizing Data. 12/ Subqueries. 13/ Unusual Query Types. 14/ Expressions. 15/ Data Manipulation Language (DML). 16/ Datatypes and Collections. 17/ XML in Oracle. 18/ Tables. 19/ Views. 20/ Constraints. 21/ Indexes and Clusters. 22/ Sequences and Synonyms. 23/ Security. 24/ Basic PL/SQL.

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