
294.3855246 - Số nội bộ: 232
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Tác giả: Richard Yamarone.

Nhà xuất bản: Wiley. Năm XB: 2017. Mô tả: 340Tr, kích thước: 24cm. Số định danh: 330.9/ Y19. Vị trí: Phòng Học liệu Ngoại văn.

Nội dung:

The Economic Indicator Handbook helps investors more easily evaluate economic trends, to better inform investment decision making and other key strategic financial planning. Written by a Bloomberg Senior Economist, this book presents a visual distillation of the indicators every investor should follow, with clear explanation of how they're measured, what they mean, and how that should inform investment thinking. The focus on graphics, professional application, Bloomberg terminal functionality, and practicality makes this guide a quick, actionable read that could immediately start improving investment outcomes. Coverage includes gross domestic product, employment data, industrial production, new residential construction, consumer confidence, retail and food service sales, and commodities, plus guidance on the secret indicators few economists know or care about

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