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Tác giả: KathySierra, Bert Bates.

Nhà xuất bản: O'Reilly Media. Năm XB: 2005.

Mô tả: 688Tr, kích thước: . Số định danh:

Mục lục:

1/ Breaking the Surface. 2/ A Trip to Objectville. 3/ Know Your Variables. Phần 4/ How Objects Behave. 5/ Extra-Strength Methods. 6/ Using the Java Library. 7/ Better Living in Objectville. 8/ Serious Polymorphism. 9/ Life and Death of an Object. 10/ Numbers Matter. 11/ Risky Behavior. 12/ A Very Graphic Story. 13/ Work on your Swing. 14/ Saving Objects. 15/ Make a Connection. 16/ Data Structures. 17/ Release Your Code. 18/ Distributed Computing

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